Chairman's Message

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Chairman's Message

When we embarked on the journey to develop and deliver programs in hospitality education at Jaihind College of science at Salgaon, we realised that this endeavour would present immense challenges to our group. There are literally thousands of hospitality schools in india, with little or no distinguishing factors between their programme offerings. With the establishment of Hotel Management College, our challenge was to create an offering that would distinguish itself from crowd and gain the acceptance of the industry as a school of choice for hospitality professionals. In 2014 under our management we received re-affiliation from University of Mumbai to conduct the B.Sc Hospitality Studies 3 year degree programme. The University’s reputation as a excellence is evident in the design and curriculum of the program and has been well received by students and the industry. Whatever your goal for the future may he. rest assured that Jaihind College will live up to your expectations and support your endeavours for years to come.

Shri. Kiran Thakur

Founder & Chairman, Lokmanya Society, Advisory Editor, Tarun Bharat, Belgaum